Thank you for your support!

Website 2021 Mother's Day Appeal

Every dollar you donate will be matched by Kickstart Consulting up to $2,500.


Your $200 donation covers one day of complete services for a mother and her twochildren, a home in our cottages, daycare, food, and parenting classes on our campus.
Help us reach St. Vincent’s Mother’s Day Appeal goal of $10,000. 

Dear Dedicated Supporter, 

A mother’s grace is a gift to her children. She tackles every challenge with courage. As she lifts her children up and guides them with love.

This Mother’s Day we ask you to consider sharing your love and gifts with our formerly homeless mothers and children at St. Vincent’s. 

A single mother’s journey through this pandemic has felt like the weight of the world on her shoulders. Vulnerable children looking into hereyes, full of trust, that she will take care of them and love them with all her heart. Walking this path, for more than a year of the pandemic, hasbeen a heavy load to bear. 

Before the pandemic, our Family Strengthening Program (FSP) mothers courageously worked on turning their lives around. That valiantundertaking became even a more critical transformation when the pandemic hit. Our mothers lost their jobs, childcare and their sense of securitywas shaken. 

But, our FSP team stayed right by their side. They were not alone. We did not let them feel, for one moment, that they were in this strugglealone. 

Our FSP team has been the lighthouse in the storm for our mothers and children during the pandemic. Our compassionate team helped carry theburden and lighten their load. While they couldn’t change what was happening regarding the global pandemic, our team could affect what washappening inside of our FSP cottages. They wrapped a security blanket around our young families. They let them know that they had a family,our family. 

Now we call on you to join us in supporting our mothers and children. 

Despite the obstacles this past year, more than 50% of our FSP mothers have obtained higher paying jobs, 38% have better family relationshipsand 92% of our graduates are in stable housing. These are amazing outcomes during a special year. This year FSP celebrates its 25thAnniversary of service to the Santa Barbara community. Hundreds of local mothers have improved their lives and their children’s futures here atSt. Vincent’s. We look forward to making mothers and children a priority for the next 25 years! 

We thank you for being part of the support team for our mothers and children. It is a special time of year to celebrate a mother’s resilience, as thechanging winds of the pandemic shifted their plans and approach. The days have been long, but the graces have overcome the challenges ourmothers face. They continue to make significant changes in their lives and the little lives that depend on their every step. 

We are deeply grateful for your dedication to St. Vincent’s mothers and children during this special time of year. Your $200 donation makes agreat impact! May God bless you and the mothers in your life this Mother’s Day!

Do you have any questions about upcoming events?

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly!

Regina Ruiz

Vice President of Development
[email protected]

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